Sunday, February 14, 2010

I searched for the perfect poem for this valentines, finally I've remember this poem.
It's all about the true love, and how he give up everything just to be with the one he love... love this poem..

I do believe that Lord above,
created you for me to love.
He picked you up among the rest,
because he knew I would love you best.
I have a heart that is true and it’s given
For me to you, so take care for it like
I do.

If I go to heaven and your not there
I’ll wait for you at the golden stair.
If you can’t come on the judgment day,
Now I know you go the other way.
So I’ll give up my angel wings, magic lamp
and everything, to prove to you that my love
Is true and I’ll be with you wherever you will go..

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


No.. not really..
I just want to share this experience.. Many disappointments yet very blessed..

Last Saturday, that was Jan 09, 2010, I was walking alone in the pathway of our school, while walking I read something, Its all about bloodletting project, I still remember what the exact word says, and it says "Donate a blood and save three lives".
Then I decided to join to this activity so that I will experience this kind of thrill in my life and to help other people as well.

I still have two days to decide for it, but without any hesitations I decided to go for it. I was really excited for that day to come (Monday). I prepared a lot for this day, and I eat a lot and drink a lot to be more prepared and conditioned.

It was already Monday Jan, 11, 10'. And I consider it as a big day, and one of the unforgettable part of my life.

Without a doubt I ask the attendant for that event,I asked her., "excuse me whats the requirements for me to participate on this bloodletting project"?. She answered me okay we will weigh you, and you must weigh at least 53kls.. I'm so sad.. my weight is just 48kls.. I asked my self "Does helping other people needs any requirements"? with a sad face and very disappointed feeling..

Then for me to be in good mood again I've searched verses for disappointments and I got this verse from Romans 10:11 and it says "WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED." and maybe the message by God for me that day is "BEFORE I CAN HELP OTHER PEOPLE, I MUST HELP MY SELF FIRST..
I will go for it next time... :)